How old is our peanut?

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Sunday, July 31, 2011

More corn (video)

A picture doesn't do it justice. We thought you might like to see Anne in action eating her current favorite food. She fusses if she sees corn on the cob on our plates but not on her tray. Other summer favorites are whole peaches and cherries.

Dressed by Dad

Dad thought it would be nice to let Mom sleep in Sunday since she's been a little under the weather. So he took Anne to early church, and dressed her up in a Grandma Sheri outfit, and chose the perfect white leather shoes. Made Mom's day. Good job, Daddy!

Playing ball with Dad (video)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Do not attempt to come between this small person and a cob of corn

Anne is still such a good eater. But we've never seen her as enthusiastic about any food as she is about corn on the cob. We can't even touch her corn while she's holding it. Apparently it is just too precious. Dad says she loves the tastes of summer -- whole fresh peaches, corn on the cob and cherries. Yum!

These Stride Rites are made for walkin' (video)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Cool in the pool

Anne's recent trip to Oklahoma City started with a three-day family reunion that included an afternoon of swimming at the home of our cousins Mike and Susan. Grandpa Tom had Anne in the pool before Mom knew what was happening! Anne liked swimming, especially when there was a dog involved ...

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Swingin' in OKC

Anne and mom traveled to Oklahoma City a couple of weeks ago. The trip was full of firsts -- first airplane ride, first swim, first trip to the zoo. And first time in a swing! Most D.C. parks don't have swing sets. Mom and Grandma Gloria were surprised their fearless girl was so uncertain about the bucket swing. Took three days, but finally, Grandpa Tom coaxed her in. And then Anne refused to get out!

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