How old is our peanut?

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Belly laughs (video)

Anne's discovered her belly.

Monday, August 8, 2011

A bedtime stroll

Anne is a big walking girl now, you know. She likes to carry her flashcards around.

Someone's in the kitchen with Anne ...

That's Annika, our next-door neighbor. She's really been enjoying Anne, who is trying hard to say, "Annika." "Ah-bee-ka?" "Aaahn-ka?" "Ahhnn-ka-ka?"

Another Sunday, another Gram Sheri outfit ...

That's Anne standing in the OPENING to her playpen. By opening, we mean we've opened the gate and will probably be removing the whole thing soon. She's a big walking girl now, and was trying to climb up and over the gate around her playpen, anyhow ...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Popcorn popper (multiple videos, if you have time to watch)

Anne got a Fisher Price popcorn popper in the mail from Grandma Gloria today. It was so much fun to watch her try to figure out how to make it work. Mom did not record Anne very briefly shrieking and crying when she wanted Mom to stop touching it. Big girls like to figure stuff out themselves.