How old is our peanut?

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Music class (videos)

The highlight of Anne's week is her Music Together class. Toddler participation looks different than adult participation. They might seem distracted -- but really, they're taking it all in. Anne loves her teacher and spends most of the class on his lap. Her pal Leo is in the second video. The third video is from last month - Valentine's Day. (Videos by Grandpa Tom)

The three preemie-teers

(Click to enlarge) These three kiddos are besties -- Leo, Taylor and Anne. They were preemies -- we're all part of a preemie families' group on Capitol Hill -- and they are good friends and doing so well now. Anne is kissing Taylor, what a sweetheart Photos by Grandpa Tom.

Planting flowers with Daddy and Grandpa

Click to enlarge.

Daddy took Anne to the garden store over the weekend to pick out flowers to plant in the front. Big surprise, Anne chose purple. We don't know a little girl who doesn't love purple!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Boogie babe

(click to enlarge)

If you know Anne, you know she loves music. She loves to listen, dance to it, jump to it, clap to it. She loves to try to play and sing. She goes to music classes with Mom every week.

She also goes to music shows on Fridays with her nanny, Lucia. The shows are put on by a local group, Boogie Babes, which has different performers. Here are a few pictures from last week's show taken by Lucia.

Feb. 24: A day which will live in infamy

Anne started saying "no" a couple of weeks ago. That is, she started saying it when she really means it! And she means it often. We think this marks the beginning of the Terrible Twos.

It's not just "no." Anne is really starting to express herself, combining words to make very basic sentences, like, "Mommy, off," and "Be careful, Annie." (The latter sounds like, "Be cah-fo, Aya.")

More communication is good! But it also means that Anne is moving into a new phase of development that is not always easy for her. She's learning how to cope when Mom or Dad say she can't do or have what she wants all the time. And Mom and Dad are learning the best ways to respond!