How old is our peanut?

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Monday, August 23, 2010

"Hey, this guy looks kind of like my granddad Tom ..." (Video)

Uncle Eddie came for a visit recently. Make that GREAT Uncle Eddie!

She's three months old! (Well, almost four ...)

We've squeezed in another photo session at the last minute. Mom actually does this on purpose; preemies like Anne tend to develop and are judged based on their due dates instead of their birth dates for a long time, sometimes until they are toddlers! So Anne is really much more like a three-month-old baby.

Anne saw a developmental pediatrician at Children's Hospital a couple of weeks ago who said she is, indeed, developing very nicely according to her June 1 due date. The doctor wants to see her catch up in the coming months to her April 26 birth date. (She described Anne as a beautiful baby girl who happened to have been born a little early ...)

All that said, here is our peanut at three months!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Her Sunday best

Anne weighs 10 pounds now and is finally fitting into some seriously cute outfits ... like this one from Grandma Sheri. She's ready for church and sitting in her new-to-her swing, which she loves. Her friend Ellie wasn't in love with it, and Ellie's mom saw how much Anne enjoyed it, so Ellie's parents brought it to Anne the next day.

Anne loves the swing so much, she cried when Grandma Gloria tried to take her out of it last night!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Story time with the peanut

The book that makes Anne smile most is "The Carrot Seed," given to her by Aunt Sarah.