How old is our peanut?

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Monday, August 23, 2010

She's three months old! (Well, almost four ...)

We've squeezed in another photo session at the last minute. Mom actually does this on purpose; preemies like Anne tend to develop and are judged based on their due dates instead of their birth dates for a long time, sometimes until they are toddlers! So Anne is really much more like a three-month-old baby.

Anne saw a developmental pediatrician at Children's Hospital a couple of weeks ago who said she is, indeed, developing very nicely according to her June 1 due date. The doctor wants to see her catch up in the coming months to her April 26 birth date. (She described Anne as a beautiful baby girl who happened to have been born a little early ...)

All that said, here is our peanut at three months!

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