How old is our peanut?

Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Lots of news! (video)

Anne is becoming such a big girl -- where do we begin? Let's see, biggest news first: Anne has a tooth! Daddy thought her gums looked discolored last Wednesday night. Mommy noticed her sucking her tongue and lips like an old lady without her dentures on Thursday morning, stuck her finger in Anne's mouth, and voila! There was the little tooth! Next, food. Her rash was better (though not completely gone -- doctor thinks she has a little eczema) on Thursday, so we started with oatmeal, since rice cereal seems to have triggered the rash. Anne says forget rice, oatmeal is GREAT! Then on Tuesday, Anne tasted her first vegetable -- sweet potatoes. They were a hit! The last news is really about Mom -- she took off last weekend for her annual father-daughter trip to New York. Grandma Gloria stayed with Daddy. Anne slept well, ate well and smiled all weekend, and she was all smiles when Mommy got home. (Mom and Granddad saw three wonderful shows and ate at Daddy's favorite restaurant, Becco, and had a grand old time.) Here are some pictures of Anne and her sweet potatoes, plus a video of Anne trying oatmeal for the first time (with Mom's own baby spoon). Anne's cousin Dondi says kids like oatmeal much better than they like rice cereal.

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